If you want to visit, read the details about the country ..


Speaking of Japan, it's one of the most quiet landscapes in the world, with a beautiful landscape, culture, food, clothing, and innovations.


Japan is currently the eleventh most populous country in the world, and Tokyo, currently the most populous city in the world, is known as a major economic city. Japan has 6852 islands and the land area in Japan is 377,975.24 km2. Three-quarters of a country's land area is mountainous. It currently has a population of 125.62 million and is concentrated in the narrow coastal plains. Japan is also divided into 47 administrative states and traditionally eight regions. Greater Tokyo is currently the most populous country in the country and the most populous capital.


However, Japan began to be inhabited as early as the 1st century BC, and centuries later an early feudal economy developed in the areas of political power, military power, and information technology. Japan was also badly affected by World War II in 1941, when the Pacific War defeat and two atomic bombings crippled Japan.


After these wars and conflicts, Japan became a powerhouse and was a member of the United Nations (since 1956) and other international organizations, including the OECD and Group VII. The country maintains a self-defense force that is rated as the most powerful military force in the world, even though it has been abandoned due to the origins of declaring war. However, another of Japan's challenges is the extent to which a country faces natural disasters. This means that while tsunamis, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur in the country, this country is located on the border of the Pacific Ring and is ranked 17th among the most dangerous countries. However, this is a very beautiful place for tourism.

Japan, a leader in the country's GDP as well as the largest automotive and electronics industries, has made significant contributions to science and technology. This is Singapore's second highest human development index and second highest human development index. Also, despite the low birth rate, the life expectancy is high in this country. That includes the advancement of medicine

as well as the advancement of sanitation as well as the long-term measures taken by the government.

Japan is at the forefront of culture as well as cooking, music, landscape animation and computer game design.



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